This award, first presented in 1999, is to recognize and honour industries that have produced a distinguished product or service requiring engineering skill, which has contributed significantly to the fields of agriculture, food processing, or other biological industry. The basis for selection of the award may include, but not be limited to, the ingenuity, significance, and entrepreneurship involved and the contribution to society and to the profession. The Awards Committee from nominations by three CSBE/SCGAB members shall select the recipient of the award. The award, consisting of a plaque, will be presented at the Awards Banquet at the Annual Conference
Ce prix fut présenté pour la première fois en 1999 afin de souligner particulièrement les industries qui se sont distinguées en matière de service et d'innovation dans les domaines du génie agroalimentaire et biologique. Les critères de sélection du récipiendaire peuvent s'échelonner de l'ingéniosité des produits fabriqués, à l'impact des solutions apportées, ou encore à la contribution à l'amélioration de la qualité de vie de la société en général et de la renommée de la profession. Le lauréat aura été choisi par trois membres en règle de CSBE/SCGAB oeuvrant sous la tutelle du Comité des prix; on lui remettra une plaque commémorative lors du banquet de fermeture du congrès annuel.
2020 Industrial Award
Dion Ag. Inc. is a long standing and well-established company serving farmers in North America and other places worldwide. It provides supply contracts to tens of companies locally, many small business, which specialize in manufacturing or service fields. The company has acquired a flexible and efficient engineering capabilities to efficiently develop high tech products. Its production model is flexible and maintains a strong stable workforce. The company’s business culture promotes leadership, training and skill development of its employees. Future engineers and research projects are regularly supported in the benefit of both the advancement of the company and students.
From the first threshers in 1920 which boosted grain harvester capabilities to the latest Scorpion 350 forage harvester, the most advance pull-type forage harvester in the world, with Isobus controls and stepless hydraulic feed roll drive enabling the use of the full potential and technology available in today’s tractor, Dion Ag. Inc. designs and manufactures products mainly addressed to family farms, helping them be more productive and more profitable. These farms are part of the essential economic and social backbone of rural communities. The company has accompanied them adopting the most recent production methods and systems efficiently.
Through good and harsh times, the Dion brand has succeeded in staying relevant and recognized, reinventing itself over the last 100 years to remain in phase or ahead of the current trends.
2019 Industrial Award
Established in 1964, Conviron is the world leader in the design, manufacture and installation of controlled environment systems for plant science research. Conviron’s reach-in plant growth chambers, walk-in rooms and Argus Control Systems (a Conviron company) provide precise, uniform, and repeatable control of temperature, light, humidity, dehumidification, CO2, and other environmental conditions. All environmental parameters can be remotely programmed, monitored and analyzed with unparalleled accuracy and convenience.
Conviron’s projects range from small single-chamber installations to large scale, multi-chamber facilities in some of the most prestigious corporate, university and research institutions in over 90 countries around the world. Our innovative design and manufacturing expertise has established Conviron as the global industry leader with products that are proven, reliable and robust.
As a fully integrated, ISO 9001 certified supplier, our services encompass the entire project life cycle - from project consultation to manufacturing, installation, commissioning, and on-going maintenance and service. With a staff that includes specially trained engineers, technicians and controls experts, Conviron is well equipped to supply both standard and custom applications for our diverse client base. Conviron’s head office is in Winnipeg, Canada with branch facilities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and a global network of over 40 distributors around the world. Learn more at Conviron is a worthy recipient of the CSBE/SCGAB INDUSTRIAL AWARD.
Consumaj Inc. is a 23 year old Engineering Consulting Group which is recognized for its pioneer work in Eastern Canada, in convincing farm enterprises of the benefits of well designed and engineered building plans. Today, Consumaj Inc. is a leader in Eastern Canada in developing state of the art buildings plans and waste management technologies not only for poultry, swine, dairy and vegetable producers, but also for the agri-food industry and its service sectors and for municipalities. Although Consumaj has a small team of engineers, its achievements have far exceeded its size because of its multidisciplinary team capable of working together to produce the necessary skills to innovate in the agri-food industry. Furthermore, in 2013, Consumaj started to offer its services internationally, starting with collaborations in China to improve the performance of large dairy complexes of over 10 000 heads. Over its 23 years of consulting, Consumaj has serviced some 4000 agricultural enterprises in Eastern Canada as well as the agri-food industry and the agricultural service sector. Among some of its achievements, Consumaj has designed the very first organic matter pelletizing plant in Eastern Canada, large grain transfer centres of which the latest exceeds 300 000 tons annually, several food processing plants and Farmers Market, including the Guyon Organic produce market with its agricultural interpretation centre.
Durant ses 25 années d'existence, le groupe Génie-Conseil Consumaj inc. s'est distingué par son approche innovatrice auprès des entreprises agricoles, les initiant, il y a 20 ans, aux avantages de travailler avec des plans pour bâtiments bien conçus en ingénierie. Aujourd'hui, Consumaj inc. est reconnu leadeur dans l'Est du Canada, pour la conception de bâtiments à la fine pointe des technologies, pour toutes les entreprises œuvrant en agroalimentaire, incluant les élevages, la transformation agroalimentaire, les fournisseurs agricoles, la gestion des matières organiques et les municipalités rurales et de banlieue. Quoique Consumaj inc. ne possède qu'une petite équipe d'ingénieurs, dont 2 avec un Ph. D. et 2 avec un M. Sc., le groupe réalise des projets d'envergure et innovateurs grâce à l'esprit d'équipe de son équipe multidisciplinaire. Depuis 1998, Consumaj inc. a développé une expertise internationale en olfactométrie, par ses services de contrôle des émissions d'odeur, de vente d'équipement tel, le Onose-8® et de réalisations innovatrices de recherche, tels les développements de normes d'implantation de haies naturelles brise-vent pour la dispersion des odeurs. En 2013, Consumaj inc. commençait ses services internationaux en génie-conseil par une collaboration en Chine pour la conception de bâtiments d'élevage avec plus de 10 000 têtes. Depuis ses 25 années d'existence, Consumaj inc. a desservi plus de 4 000 entreprises agroalimentaires dans l'Est du Canada, dont plusieurs clients récurrents. Parmi ses projets d'envergure, Consumaj inc. a conçu la toute première usine de granulation de matières organiques de l'Est du Canada, un centre de transbordement de grains d'une capacité de 300 000 tonnes/année, plusieurs usines de transformation alimentaire, des marchés agricoles tel le Centre Guyon pour produits biologiques avec postes d'interprétation pour la jeunesse.
OPI has provided leading-edge grain management solutions to the worldwide marketplace, for over 30 years. OPI has empowered over 25,000 farm and commercial customers in over 45 countries to effectively manage their grain in storage and prevent losses. OPI has consistently sought out and incorporated advanced technologies into its grain monitoring and management solutions. Starting with simple on-site temperature monitoring, OPI’s products have evolved to include moisture monitoring, grain level detection, advanced fan control and the capability to directly detect and manage insect activity. Most recently, OPI has introduced remote connectivity to its offerings. The company’s products have been recognized on two occasions in ASABE’s AE50 Outstanding Innovation Awards. The development of these successful, cutting-edge products has been based on a commitment to sound engineering. Active support of research programs as well as knowledge development and transfer, both in Canada and the US, has contributed to OPI’s success. OPI has demonstrated sustained leadership in applying engineering to the management of biological systems that exist in grain storage. OPI is most deserving of CSBE/SCGAB’s 2015 Industrial Award.
OPI fournit des solutions de pointe pour la gestion des céréales sur le marché mondial, et ce depuis plus de 30 ans. OPI aide plus de 25 000 clients agricoles et commerciaux dans plus de 45 pays à gérer efficacement leur stock de grains et ainsi éviter les pertes. OPI a toujours su développer et intégrer des technologies de pointe dans ses solutions de suivi et de gestion des céréales. À partir de la simple surveillance de la température, la gamme de produits inclut maintenant la surveillance de l'humidité, la détection de niveau de grain, le contrôle avancé de la ventilation et la capacité de détecter et de gérer directement l'activité des insectes. Plus récemment, OPI a introduit la connectivité à distance à ses offres. Les produits de la société ont été reconnus à deux reprises dans l’AE50 Outstanding Innovation Awards de l’ASABE. Le succès du développement de ces produits de pointe a été fondé sur l’engagement du respect des principes d’ingénierie. Le soutien actif des programmes de recherche ainsi que le développement et le transfert des connaissances, à la fois au Canada et aux États-Unis, a contribué à la réussite d’OPI. OPI a ainsi su démontrer un leadership soutenu dans l'application de l'ingénierie à la gestion des systèmes biologiques dans le domaine du stockage du grain. OPI mérite fièrement le Prix de l’industrie 2015 remis par la CSBE/SCGAB.
BIO-TERRE SYSTEMS the recipient of the 2014 Industrial Award in recognition of the company’s development and commercialization of the innovative low temperature anaerobic digestion technology patented by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The development’s objective is to support and improve the environmental and economic aspects of Canadian agriculture and the Canadian agri-food industry.
The low temperature anaerobic sequencing batch manure treatment process is very well adapted to the Canadian climate and to the large number of small livestock operations. Being a very stable process and easily adaptable to existing farm operations, the batch treatment process can successfully digest all types of liquid manure produced on the farm. In addition to manure, other organic products produced on the farm or imported from neighboring agri-food industries or municipalities can be digested with this process. This can foster new partnerships between farmers and neighboring agencies or industries. From a sustainable development perspective, the Bio-Terre technology produces large amounts of green energy, reduces greenhouse gas production, produces a high quality, pathogen free and odorless crop fertilizer and potentially sets a high future standard for environmental protection.
The Research and Development work completed by Bio-Terre in the last 10 years, in collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, highlights new applications with huge potential benefits for the Canadian agricultural and agri-food industry.
Bio-Terre is developing the international market and has placed its technology in several projects in the U.S.A. Target markets include large animal production facilities and agri-food industries that produce highly diluted manure or wastewater to which this technology can be well adapted, and small villages where it is possible to convert organic and human waste into a high value, safe, crop fertilizer.