Each year, the CSBE/SCGAB presents Awards and Grade of Fellows to celebrate and encourage excellence within the Canadian bioengineering community. Please consider nominating a member.

John Turnbull Award

This award is given annually to the CSBE/SCGAB member who, in the opinion of the Awards Committee, has produced outstanding work inbuilding systems, or waste management in industry, teaching, research, or extension. Prior to 1993, this award was known as the CSAE/Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute (CSAE-CSSBI) Award. The award recipient is selected from nominations from at least three members of CSBE/SCGAB and must have been a member of the Society for at least five years.

Ce prix est décerné chaque année à un membre qui s'est distingué dans le domaine de la construction agricole ou de la gestion des déchets par l'enseignement, la recherche, la vulgarisation ou le travail en industrie. Anciennement connu sous le nom «SCGR/Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute Award» le récipiendaire du prix John-Turnbull est choisi parmi les candidats mis en nomination par trois membres et est membre de la SCGAB/CSBE depuis au moins cinq ans.

Nomination Form

turnbull.rtf | turnbull.pdf

2020 John Turnbull Award


Dr. Huiqing Guo, P.Eng., is awarded the Canadian Society for Bioengineering (CSBE/SCGAB) John Turnbull award for her outstanding contribution to teaching, research and professional service in agricultural building systems engineering. Huiqing has been a Professor at of the University of Saskatchewan since 2002, before 2013 in the Department of Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, after 2013 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. She is a Professional Engineer in the Province of Saskatchewan since 2002. She is a twenty-twoyear member of CSBE/SCGAB. She has served on the CSBE/SCGAB Awards Committee since 2004 as member, Vice Chair, Past Chair; she has served as moderators/chair for numerous technical sessions at CSBE/SCGAB annual conferences, coordinated the CSBE/SCGAB President visit to the U of S, and chaired the 2006 CSBE/ASABE Regional Conference Committee. Huiqing is the recipient of one ASABE Superior Paper Award. Huiqing teaches various courses in the area of animal and plant structures and environment and remains very active in research in this area and she has expanded her research area to air quality in environmental engineering. Her research results contribute to the knowledge in the areas of animal production environment, greenhouse environment, and air emission impact assessment for agricultural sources, especially air dispersion modeling and setback determination.


2018 John Turnbull Award

Kris Dick

Kris Dick is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biosystems Engineering, Director of the Alternative Village at the University of Manitoba, maintains a consulting practice, is Executive Director of the Western Wood Truss Association – SK, MB, N.W. Ont. and a registered professional engineer in five provinces. Coming out of a trade background as a Journeyman Boilermaker he brings a hands-on approach to his research and teaching. He has been the recipient of numerous teaching and outreach awards. Kris is particularly proud of the service-learning course he developed and ran in rural Honduras which provided design and construction experience for engineering students. The majority of his research has been with industry partners. His work has supported product development and evaluation and also had an impact on Canadian truss design specifications. Kris currently teaches courses in wood design, light frame structures, alternative building systems and instructs the Biosystems capstone course. His recent research involves the evaluation and development of alternative building materials such as earth, straw and hemp combined with recycled material for structural and thermal performance.

2017 John Turnbull Award

joy agnew turnbullDr. Joy Agnew, P.Eng., has made and continues to make exceptional contributions to engineering for agricultural, food and biological systems through service to CSBE|SCGAB and ASABE and through extension, teaching, research, and professional engineering activities. In her capacity as the Director of the Applied Bioenergy Centre and as a Project Manager of Agricultural Research Services of the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI), she is conducting and managing leading edge research and development and engineering work in a number of fields directly related to agricultural and biological engineering. These fields include use of biomass for energy production (including solid-state anaerobic digestion, large-scale biomass processing, biomass combustion for heat and electricity generation, and optimization of biomass logistics and supply chains), assessment and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural industry, and grain storage & drying research and extension. Dr. Agnew’s work directly benefits producers as well as many other stakeholders in the agri-food industry. She is also a dedicated and talented engineering educator who teaches at the undergraduate level and also supervises and co-supervises graduate students. For all these reasons, Dr. Joy Agnew, P.Eng., is a worthy recipient for the 2017 CSBE|SCGAB John Turnbull Award.


De par son engagement dans les activités de la CSBE/SCGAB et l’ASABE, et ses activités professionnelles d'extension, d'enseignement et de recherche, la Dr. Joy Agnew, ing, a fait et continu de faire d’exceptionnelles contributions en génie pour les systèmes agricoles, alimentaires et biologiques. En sa qualité de Directrice du Applied Bioenergy Centre et en tant que chef de projet des services de recherche agronomique du Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI), elle mène et gère des projets de recherches de pointe et des travaux de développement et d'ingénierie dans plusieurs domaines liés au génie agricole et biologique. Elle s’intéresse tout particulièrement aux projets portant sur l'utilisation de la biomasse pour la production d'énergie (digestion anaérobie en milieu solide, les procédés de transformation à grande échelle, la combustion de biomasse pour la production de chaleur et d'électricité, et l'optimisation de la logistique et des chaînes d'approvisionnement), l'évaluation et la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l'industrie agricole, et la recherche le stockage et le séchage des grains. Les résultats des travaux du Dr Agnew sont utilisés par les producteurs agricoles et par de nombreux acteurs de l'industrie agroalimentaire. Elle est également une éducatrice en ingénierie dévouée et talentueuse qui enseigne au niveau de premier cycle et elle supervise ou co-supervise les étudiants diplômés. Pour toutes ces raisons, le Dr Joy Agnew, ing, est une candidate digne du prix John Turnbull de la CSBE/SCGAB pour l’année 2017.

2016 John Turnbull Award

bernardoBernardo Predicala As Research Scientist in charge of the Engineering research program at Prairie Swine Centre, a non-profit research corporation affiliated with University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Dr. Predicala is engaged in research activities to improve air quality inside hog barns to reduce odor and gaseous emissions to the environment, and to develop housing and management systems that optimize pig welfare and productivity. Bernardo joined the Prairie Swine Centre in 2004 after obtaining his Ph.D. from Kansas State University. Since then, Bernardo has secured more than $3.4 million in extramural funding for his research studies including investigation of applications of nanoparticles in swine operations, use of CFD simulation to optimize ventilation systems for sow housing, investigation of in-barn manure management practices to mitigate emissions, and developing practical methods to deal with biosecurity and diseases in pig farms. Concurrently, Bernardo is also an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan; in the past year, he supervised (or co-supervised with his collaborators) 2 Postdoctoral Fellows, 4 graduate students, 2 Research Assistants, and 1 Research Technician. As part of the senior management team at the Prairie Swine Centre, he is involved in strategic planning, finance and human resources management at the Centre. Bernardo is a 12-year member of CSBE/SCGAB, and has been a member of ASABE for 16 years. In 2013-2014, Bernardo served as President of CSBE/SCGAB and as a member of the ASABE Board of Trustees. Currently, he serves as Associate Editor with ASABE Journals Publications.

Dr. Predicala est un chercheur scientifique en charge du programme de recherche en génie au Prairie Swine Centre, une société de recherche sans but lucratif affilié à l'Université de la Saskatchewan à Saskatoon (SK). Ses activités portent sur l'améliorer de la qualité de l'air dans les porcheries, sur la réduction des odeurs et des émissions de gaz, sur le développement de systèmes de gestion et de logement des bêtes, et sur l'optimisation du bien-être des bêtes et de la productivité porcine. Bernardo s'est joint au centre de recherche le Prairie Swine Centre en 2004 après avoir obtenu son doctorat de l'université de l'État du Kansa (USA). Depuis, Bernardo a obtenu plus de 3,4 millions $ en financement extra-muros pour ses travaux sur l'utilisation des nanoparticules dans les exploitations d'élevage porcin, sur l'utilisation de la simulation CFD pour optimiser les systèmes de ventilation dans les logements des truies, sur l'amélioration des pratiques de gestion des fumiers dans les porcheries, sur le développement de nouvelles méthodes portant sur la biosécurité et les maladies dans les élevages de porcs. Bernardo est aussi professeur adjoint au Département de génie chimique et biologique de l'Université de la Saskatchewan où il enseigne et supervise (ou cosupervise) les travaux de recherche de 2 postdoctoraux, 4 étudiants de deuxième/ troisième cycle, 2 assistants de recherche et 1 technicien de recherche. A titre de membre de l'équipe de haute direction, il est impliqué dans la planification stratégique, les finances et la gestion des ressources humaines du Prairie Swine Centre. Bernardo est membre de la CSBE / CSBE depuid 12 ans et de l'ASABE depuis 16 ans. En 2013-2014, Bernardo a été président de la CSBE / CSBE et il était membre du conseil d'administration de l'ASABE. À l'heure actuelle, il le rédacteur adjoint de l'ASABE Journals Publications.

2014 John Turnbull Award

houseHAROLD K. HOUSE, P. Eng is the recipient of the 2014 John Turnbull Award in recognition of his outstanding leadership in industry, teaching, applied research and extension in the area of dairy farm building systems. Harold has worked tirelessly on various aspects of dairy farm building systems over the past 30 years. He has developed the OMAF Free Stall Housing Seminar along with the Free Stall Housing Manual. He has also developed a Tie Stall Housing Seminar, and a Calf Housing seminar, along with a Tie Stall Housing Manual and calf housing resources. He was a recipient of the T.R. Hilliard Distinguished Agricultural Extension Award for his work with Ontario dairy producers.

Harold House has spent his entire career in building systems and waste management; started his career in the agricultural private industry designing innovative livestock barn ventilation systems; has done hundreds, if not thousands of hours teaching students, farmers and industry personnel; has performed both peer-reviewed University research and applied research on farms; has worked for more than a generation as an extension agricultural engineer; and been a member of the Society for about 35 years.

Harold is respected provincially, nationally and internationally for his innovative thinking and detail-oriented work with the ever changing dairy industry. During Harold’s career, the dairy industry has consolidated tremendously and Harold has been there assisting it to keep the industry economically viable, while recognizing the social implications of changes to these traditional ‘family farm’ operations. Comfortable cow stalls, natural and fan-ventilation, very wide free-stall barns, robotic-milking, waste handling, heat stress reduction, sand bedding, fire-resistant barns, quota challenges, organic milk operations, new manure handling and storage systems, tingle voltage, anaerobic digestors, calf hutches, labour challenges, the Nutrient Management Act, the Dead Animal Disposal Act, siting of dairy barns by the Minimum Distance Separation formula, the Progressive Dairy Operators organization…Harold has been involved ‘knee-deep’ in every single issue affecting the dairy industry over the past 30 years.

Harold, the person, is extremely modest, preferring to let others take the credit, while quietly leading by example in the background. He is the most honest, fair, respectful, and unselfish man I’ve ever met. Harold is recognized among his peers as being thorough in everything he does. OMAF Agricultural Engineers know that Harold’s motto must be ‘if it is worth doing, it is worth doing well’, something good mentors can pass along to mentees. Harold truly does think outside the box, and he has a wry sense of humour honed through his work with hundreds…no thousands….of farmers across North America.’