What is bioengineering?
There is something for everyone in ag and bio engineering

A DEGREE IN AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING can be a fulfilling and rewarding path. Creative challenges and diverse opportunities abound. Many students delve into studies and research that lead to new solutions or the development of new products and processes. And education isn't confined to formal classrooms. "What I want to be when I grow up" is often confirmed when studying abroad or learning on-the-job through internships. Many students and career professionals across Canada have taken the ag and bio engineering path, and all affirm that it is the scenic route to an exciting profession. 

There is something for everyone in ag and bio engineering, let's discover what is amazing about this profession...

The following texts are excerpts from ASABE Resources Magazine November/December 2012 issue.

To keep up with the growing demand for innovative, high-tech equipment, equipment manufacturers need more university-trained engineersModern agricultural machines must be mechanically sound and biologically sensitive, and onboard computers are becoming standard equipment.

These machines are designed and tested by engineers educated in a power and machinery curriculum. Power and machinery graduates are commonly employed by farm equipment manufacturers, but they also qualify for positions outside the farm equipment industry. Many have found engineering employment with other companies, including industrial facilities and manufacturers of construction equipment.

Picture: ULtrac tractor during ASABE Quarter Scale tractor competition.
Université Laval http://ultrac.fsaa.ulaval.ca