The CSBE-SCGAB presents webinars on various bioengineering research topics. Become a member to join us!


CSBE-SCGAB Winter 2022 Webinar Series

For the 2022 webinar series, we are hosting a mix student and industry presentations.  The webinars will be hosted every second week at noon, eastern time (Toronto/Montreal). Students will be allotted a total of 30 minutes with presentations up to 20 minutes in length and with the balance of available for questions and answers.  Industry presenters are be allotted the full hour with up to 40 minutes for their presentations along with 20 minutes for questions and answers. We look forward to everyone’s presentations and to our members attending and participating.

For more information, contact Keith Duhaime at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., CSBE-SCGAB Webinar Coordinator.

2022 Schedule

January 14
Commercial collection and long distance transport of herbaceous biomass. Shahab Sokhansanj, University of British Columbia
Evaluation of Efficacy of Alternative Disinfection Measures on Various Surfaces in a Pig Production Barn. Marjorette H. Baguindoc, University of Saskatchewan

January 28
Industry speaker: Synthetic Biology and Engineering, An Overview. Michael Dorrington, Ontario Genomics

February 11
Influence of flow microbial fuel cell on methane emission from hydroponic cultivation of rice plant. Shuyao Wang, McGill University
Microbial uptake of C and N from root exudates in the ryegrass rhizosphere, Aidan De Sena, McGill University

February 25
Industry speaker: The Smart Farming Network. Dr. Joy Agnew, Olds College

March 11
Discrete element modelling of ground pressure under varying number of tire passes. Kobby Acquah, University of Manitoba
Coupled CFD-DEM Simulations of Seed Flow Applied to Air Seeder. Leno Guzman, University of Manitoba

March 25
Industry speaker: Challenges in Precision Farming. Dr. Mina Enyat, University of Manitoba

April 8
Physicochemical and Ultrastructural Characterization of Fungal Treated Switchgrass. Onu Onu Olughu, University of Saskatchewan
Assessing the Effect of Treatments on Linseed Flax Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Gravimetric Analyses. Tasneem Vahora, University of Manitoba

Next webinar:

Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET
Zoom meeting link: CSBE members, look at the invitation email

Physicochemical and Ultrastructural Characterization of Fungal Treated Switchgrass.
Onu Onu Olughu, University of Saskatchewan

Assessing the Effect of Treatments on Linseed Flax Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Gravimetric Analyses.
Tasneem Vahora, University of Manitoba