Perspectives Newsletter Fall 2019
Vol. 42, no.1 / Posted on Dec. 16, 2019

joy agnew

I’m sure this is a common refrain among you and your colleagues, but where did 2019 go? Of all the things I learned in 2019, the most important was probably to set realistic expectations so you’re not automatically disappointed when December rolls around. That, and waiting until the day of an event to put together a keynote presentation isn’t “procrastinating”, it is “waiting to read your audience” to allow you to custom build your presentation.  


CIGR 2020
CSBE AGM and Technical Meeting
June 14-18, 2020, Québec City

Following the enthusiasm and request of several delegates from CIGR member organisations, the committee agreed to slightly extend the submission period to allow everyone to submit their abstract.

No further extension will be possible.

New deadline for the Call for Abstracts:
January 15th, 2020

The call for abstracts for the 5th CIGR International Conference AND CSBE-SCGAB AGM and Technical Conference is open until January 15th 2020! Under the theme “Integrating Agriculture and Society through Engineering”, the primary goal of this conference is to bring together elite scientists from all over the world, and to provide a unique forum for exchange on the challenges and opportunities in agricultural and biosystems engineering.

Submit an abstract

The conference will take place from June 14th to the 18th 2020 in Québec City, Canada. Québec City offers a blend of culture and history that is unique in North America. Located along the majestic Saint-Lawrence River, Quebec City is the only walled city north of Mexico and the old part of the town is a UNESCO World Heritage treasure.

Conference program

Joint Meetings

Program at a glance

  • Sunday June 14th: Welcome Reception at the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec 
  • Monday June 15th: Technical sessions, CSBE AGM, and Cruise on the St.-Lawrence River
  • Tuesday June 16th: Technical sessions and Awards Banquet
  • Wednesday June 17th: Technical sessions and Closing Ceremony
  • Thursday June 18th: Technical tours culminating with a microbrewery visit!

Invited Keynotes Speakers

  • Dr. Andy Zynga / CEO EIT Food: How Europe is Transforming the Global Agri-Food Industry Through a Public/Private Open Innovation Ecosystem
  • Lorie Hamelin / Senior Researcher at LISBP: Supplying carbon needs of society without fossil resources

Special Sessions


For more information:
Stéphane Godbout, ing., agr., Ph.D.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
418-643-2380 ext. 600