It was an amazing experience to host the CSBE 2023 AGM and Technical Conference in Lethbridge and welcome the guests from across Canada. On behalf of local organizing committee, I express my heartfelt gratitude to all the participants who took time to participate in 2023 AGM. I extend my sincere thanks to the members of Local Organizing Committee, volunteers, session chairs, keynote and invited speakers, poster and oral presentation judges, VR workshop organizers and Technical Tour hosts (St. Mary Dam and Greenwood Colony). I am very grateful to the CSBE council for their support and giving Lethbridge College the opportunity to host the 2023 AGM. I must acknowledge the generous support all our valued sponsors which made this AGM possible. I sincerely hope that all guests had pleasant experience in southern Alberta and enjoy the conference. I look forward to seeing you all in 2024 AGM in Winnipeg, MB.
Chair of the CSBE-SCGAB AGM and Technical Conference 2023