Please use the nomination form in each award description for submitting a nomination.
The nominator of the candidate for the Award shall submit a nomination to the Chair of the CSBE/SCGAB Awards Committee by May 8. Any signed letters of support can be included with the nomination or emailed to the attention of Chair, Awards Committee by the May 8 due date.
Prior notification, to the Chair of the committee, of intent to submit a nomination would be appreciated. An e-mail when the nomination process is started would suffice.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Attn: Awards Committee Chair
Dear Colleagues,
I hope you are all doing well.
The local organizing committee, in conjunction with Chandra Singh (Chair), has been hard at work planning what promises to be a very interesting 2023 Annual General Meeting in Lethbridge, Alberta. Our Annual General Meeting will be held from July 23-26; we look forward to seeing you there!
As always, if any of you have any issues, ideas, etc., or any interesting information related to the ag/bio engineering profession that you would like to bring to the attention of the CSBE council, please do let me know. I also hope that many of you will use our newsletter to share news, ideas, etc., with CSBE members.
I close by wishing you all an enjoyable spring.
Warm regards,
Jan Franklin Adamowski
Dear Colleagues and Guests,
On behalf of the Canadian Society for Bioengineering/La Société Canadienne de Génie Agroalimentaire et de Bioingénierie and the local organizing committee, it is my immense pleasure to welcome you to the CSBE/SCGAB 2023 AGM in Lethbridge. We have extended the abstract submission deadline to April 2, 2023 so that you can submit abstracts incase you missed the earlier deadline.
We are pleased to announce two keynote speakers Dr. Mehmet Tulbek (President, Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre) and Mr. Trevor Lewington (CEO, Economic Development Lethbridge). Lethbridge College is planning to host a barbeque at the college’s 385 acre research farm where guests will have opportunity to see our irrigation demonstration canal that is a full representative of the infrastructure in our region, diverse irrigation systems and technology, a unique state-of-the-art postharvest storage and handling research site, and field-scale plots for crop production (cereals, pulses, potatoes, and sugar beets). Our initial plan for the technical tour includes visiting our on-campus research facilities and travelling to the St. Mary Reservoir & Dam (infrastructure and history), a Hutterite Colony (crop and livestock production practices and infrastructure), and spectacular Waterton Lakes National Park.
Please mark July 23-26, 2023 in your calendars for attending the CSBE/SCGAB AGM being held in Lethbridge. We look forward to helping you explore southern Alberta (Canada’s Premier Food Corridor) and to host a wonderful AGM.
Chandra B. Singh (Conference Chair)
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by Terrence Sauvé, Chair of CASSO\SNSAC
On December 23rd, 2022, ASABE finally received their accreditation by Standards Council of Canada to become the 9th Standard Development Organization in Canada!
(URL: )
For over 35 years, CSA hosted the committee responsible for this development, the Agricultural Machinery Technical Committee (AMTC) with membership from farmers, manufacturers, regulators and trade associations.
In the Fall of 2020, CSA disbanded the AMTC and in December 2020, ASABE inaugurated the Canadian Agricultural Systems Standards Oversight (CASSO) / Surveillance des normes des systèmes agricoles canadiens (SNSAC) to resume Canadian standards development.
ASABE embarked on a 2 year long journey to become the next provider of standards for farm machinery in Canada.
In the fall of 2020, CSBE provided you this update on the journey by ASABE staff in order to get recognized in Canada:
CASSO/SNSAC has partnered with the following organizations in pursuing Canadian standards development:
While our committee just received our accreditation in December 2022, we are now preparing our Work Plan to embark in this new journey with the help of the ASABE Standards’ staff and using the new Engage web platform to contact and exchange with our committee members. We are already growing our list of Recognized standards, and initiated the discussion with committee members at our March 14th meeting future plans for national adoptions of standards.
For more information about joining or getting involved in Canadian farm machinery standards, please consult our public webpage here:
We thank everyone that were involved in the support of this new project. All the best to everyone for 2023!
Terrence Sauvé, Chair of CASSO\SNSAC
Farmstead Optimization and Safety Engineer / Ingénieur, spécialiste de la santé et sécurité et de la planification d'exploitations agricoles (bilingue)
Environmental Management Branch / Direction de la gestion environnementale
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs / Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation et des affaires rurales de l'Ontario
Kemptville, ON
Les Consultants Lemay et Choinière effectuent les travaux d’ingénierie pour Ingénium Canada, sur le site du musée de l’ agriculture et de l’ alimentation du Canada. Sur la ferme de Ottawa, CLC réalise la conception pour la modernisation de l’ étable laitière, soit pour la laiterie et pour la salle de préparation des aliments. Le projet de laiterie est pratiquement complété. Le projet de salle de préparation des aliments est en conception. Comme la ferme du musée présente de multiples animaux de ferme, CLC élabore les plans pour les enclos de mise en liberté des chevaux, chèvres et moutons. Les enclos sont entourés de bande végétatives filtrantes.
Les Consultants Lemay et Choiniere complète les travaux de surveillance pour le chantier de construction du nouveau centre de recherche sur le porc, à la ferme expérimentale de Élora de l’ université de Guelph.
Le complexe débutera ses fonction en juillet-août 2023. Ce complexe présente de multiples pièces dédiées aux projets de recherche en zootechnie.
Consultants lemay & Choiniere are currently performing the engineering design work for Ingenium Canada, Canada Agriculture and food Museum in Ottawa. CLC contributes to the dairy barn modernization program. The renovation of the milk house is just completed. The construction of a new dairy animal feed preparation centre is in the design phase. Since the museum exibits farm animals, CLC works on the design of paddocks for free ranged horses, goats and sheep. The pasture paddock will be surrounded by a vegetative filter strip
Consultants Lemay and Choiniere are completing their general site review for the construction site of the new Ontario Swine Research Centre in Elora. The center is located on the main research farm of the University of Guelph.
The construction phase shall be complete in july -august. Operation will start in august or september 2023
North American Biological and Agricultural Conference will be held in Deltal Hotel and Conference Center by Marriot in Guelph, Ontario.
The program starts on July 30 with registration (from 2 PM) and a welcome reception (from 6 PM to 8:30 PM). The next two days, July 31 and August 1, will feature technical presentations, posters, and keynote speakers. Technical conference presentations/posters will cover the latest research work in broader agricultural engineering fields. Keynote speakers will update us on Digital Agriculture and food engineering topics. On July 31st evening, there will be a BBQ dinner at the University of Guelph arboretum, and on August 1st evening, there will be an Awards Banquet at the Delta Conference Center. On August 2nd, a technical tour will take participants to various research facilities which include Controlled Environment System Research facility, Ontario Rural Wastewater Center; Lysimeter installation at Elora research station and Dairy Innovation Center. Spouse tours are also planned during Monday and Tuesday.
Registration for the conference starts in April and will end on June 30th. Please make sure you attend the conference and make it a success.
ST JOSEPH, MICHIGAN— ASABE has been formally accredited as a Canadian Standards Developing Organization (SDO) by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). This effort was supported by a number of Canadian ASABE members after the Canadian committee responsible for the work disbanded. As the 14th SDO in Canada, ASABE will be able to develop and publish National Standards of Canada. Being able to develop standards in both the US and Canada will allow harmonization in design and safety practices and will streamline international trade.
Additional details on our involvement can be found on the ASABE website:
Our formal partner in this effort is the Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada (AMC) . Other partners include:
The ASABE committee coordinating this effort is STC-03, Canadian Agricultural Systems Standards Oversight (CASSO) / Surveillance des normes des systèmes agricoles canadiens (SNSAC).
ASABE’s accreditation efforts were partially underwritten by initiative funds approved in 2019.
If you are interested in participating in this work, please contact Walter Brace at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.