Perspectives Newsletter Winter 2024
Vol. 46, no. 2 / Posted on April 04, 2024


Happy spring to the membership,

The past few months of winter have brought us some very unusual weather patterns and it has underlined the uncertainties that lie ahead in our agri-food supply chains and its capacity to show enough resilience to sustainably deliver quality agri-food products.  I am sure that many scientific presentations scheduled at our Annual Meeting will touch on the very key related engineering solutions that will ensure our resilience.  I look forward to our upcoming lively discussions at the summer CSBE/SCGAB meeting in Winnipeg.

Joyeux printemps à tous,

Les derniers mois de l’hiver nous ont apporté des conditions météorologiques inhabituelles ce qui a mis en évidence les incertitudes liées à notre capacité de bien gérer les livrables de nos filières agroalimentaires.  Je suis convaincue que de nombreuses présentations prévues à l’horaire du congrès annuel proposeront des avenues de solutions qui assureront notre résilience à long terme.  J’attend avec impatience nos discussions animées lors de notre congrès de la CSBE/SCGAB cet été à Winnipeg.

Valérie Orsat, Ing.
President CSBE/SCGAB

Dear Colleagues and Guests,

The Local Organizing Committee has received over 150 abstracts during the submission phase, so thank you for your great contributions! The notification of acceptance should be sent to authors by April 15.

Important Dates


We are pleased to announce a great preliminary program with several keynote speakers, plenary and technical sessions, a technical tour, and a workshop.

Visit our website for more details:

Each year, the CSBE/SCGAB presents Awards and Grade of Fellows during the AGM to celebrate and encourage excellence within the Canadian bioengineering community. Please consider nominating a member.

Only CSBE/SCGAB members in good standing may nominate or co-nominate candidates for the Society's awards. The recipient shall be a member of CSBE/SCGAB except for nominees for the Industrial Award. The recipient shall have made noteworthy contributions of achievement as described in each award (

  • Maple Leaf Award – Leadership in the profession;
  • John Ogilvie Award – Recognize innovation and ingenuity;
  • Young Engineer of the Year Award – Outstanding work by young members;
  • John Turnbull Award – Building and waste management;
  • Glenn Downing Award – Machinery and bioenergy;
  • Jim Beamish Award – Soil, water and environment;
  • John Clark Award – Food engineering;
  • Industrial Award – Outstanding product or service;
  • Fellow Award – Honorary status.

Please use the nomination form in each award description for submitting a nomination. The nominator of the candidate for the Award shall submit a nomination toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Attn: Awards Committee Chair) by May 1, 2024.