Canadian Biosystems Engineering provides a platform for rapid dissemination of novel and high impact research in engineering and biological sciences. The journal interfaces engineering with the biological world and covers wide range of fields including energy, soil and water, power and machinery, bioprocess, information and electrical technologies, food processing, forestry, agricultural structures, bio-nanotechnology and environment with focus on key issues such as environmental sustainability, food security and safety.
The first volume of the journal was published in 1959. The journal was developed to bring all sectors of sciences and engineering and create a truly international platform to share and discuss significant, novel and high impact research.
Benefits to Authors:
Being an Open Access journal, we provide many author benefits including:
- We provide a rigorous and rapid peer-reviewed publication process, provided no major revisions are required.
- Accepted manuscripts are published within 4 weeks after receipt of final version.
- Free availability of published articles on the Internet without any subscription fees in order to reach a large number of readers.
- Low article processing fees.
List of Section Editors in the Editorial Board
- Soil and Water Systems Engineering: Dr. Prasad Daggupati, U of Guelph, ON
- Machinery Systems Engineering: Dr. Martin Roberge, CNH Industrial, SK
- Bioprocessing Systems Engineering: Dr. Manick Annamalai, U of Guelph, ON
- Biological Systems Engineering: Dr. Jan Adamowsk, McGill,
- Building Systems Engineering: Dr. Qiang Zhang, U of MB
- Waste Management Engineering: Dr. Grant Clark, McGill
- Information Systems Engineering: Dr. Chyngyz Erkinbaev, U of MB
- Renewable Energy: Dr. Shahab Sockansanj, UBC
- Engineering Education: Dr. Danny Mann, U of MB
Journal Manager: Dr. R. Sri Ranjan
Journal Editor: Dr. Qiang Zhang
Submission instructions
Initial Submission
After having followed the instructions in "Preparing a paper for submission to the journal" to prepare the paper, you are now ready to submit the paper.
Preparing a paper for submission to the journal (PDF)
Submission by online portal
You must register first to be able to submit. Please select the author, reader, and reviewer options along with all the keywords that describe your expertise. You don't need to be a member of the CSBE or to be registred on CSBE's website ( to submit a paper. You need to create a new account on the Canadian Biosystems Engineering portal portal to submit a paper.
You can submit the paper as a "Microsoft Word" or PDF file. At this stage, the figures may be embedded in the paper, but at the final stage (publication stage) the electronic form should have the figures and tables as separate files for each item. There must be a covering letter giving the full address, the telephone number, the fax number, and the email address of the corresponding author. The corresponding author should be someone who expects to be at that address for at least the next twelve months. You also must include a list of at least five potential peer reviewers. These reviewers must be from outside the authors' employment organizations.
When the paper has been accepted for publication, you will have to submit an electronic version. The electronic version will have to be submitted as a "Microsoft Word" file. In this version, figures and tables should be on separate pages at the end of the manuscript which is uploaded as a single file. The figures should be in JPG format, alternately original prints of figures can be submitted. The file should include line numbers.
Galley Proofs, Copyright, and Costs
Galley proofs will be sent as a pdf file via email. Please read the galley proof carefully and reply immediately.
Page charges
Track your paper (if submitted prior to December 2019)