Perspectives Newsletter Fall 2023
Vol. 46, no. 1 / Posted on January 15, 2024


Happy and healthy 2024 to all members of CSBE and their loved ones.

Yet another year ended, filled with challenges, and interesting networking opportunities.  2024, being a leap year will bring us interesting Olympic events to watch during the Paris summer Olympics; a rare total solar eclipse in April; Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements that will continue to amaze us with the promises of AI powered tools of all kinds and real-time new software development; and unprecedented worldwide tests of the democratic processes with a record number of elections worldwide.  The outlook on the coming year is indeed very exciting.

On our side, we hope to complete the process of our society’s name change to “The Canadian Society for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering”, and we hope to see you in great numbers at the Annual Conference hosted by our colleagues at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, July 7-10, 2024.

Looking forward to our next encounters!

ying chen

Congratulations to Ying Chen, selected by the Engineering Institute of Canada's Honours, Awards and Fellowships Committee to be inducted as an 2024 EIC Fellow (FEIC) for her “excellence in engineering and services to the profession and to society”.

The induction ceremony will be held in person during the 2024 EIC Awards Gala on Saturday 20 April at the Hilton Lac Leamy in Gatineau, QC.

Read the annoucement here.

We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Manitoba campus this July for the 2024 CSBE/SCGAB conference.

The local arrangements committee is busy finalizing many details to ensure a successful conference. There will be a number of keynote or invited speakers. The full slate has not yet been finalized, but we are pleased to announce that there will be a presentation on “Traditional Indigenous Technology” and a follow-up session on the topic of decolonizing engineering education.

We are actively working to identify speakers to address the themes of “the future of agricultural machinery” and “the role of engineering in health services”.

Our Awards Banquet will take place in the Pinnacle Club at Investor’s Group Field (home of our Winnipeg Blue Bombers and Manitoba Bisons football teams). We hope you will consider traveling to Winnipeg in July to attend the conference.

Submit your abstract before March 1st:

Danny Mann, PhD., P.Eng.
Chair of the 2024 CSBE-SCGAB AGM
Event website:

The Canadian Biosystems Engineering Journal (CBEJ) is undertaking a search for an Editor-In-Chief (EIC). CBEJ provides a platform for the dissemination of novel and high impact research in engineering and biological sciences. The journal interfaces engineering with the biological world and covers a wide range of fields including energy, soil and water, power and machinery, bioprocessing, information and electrical technologies, food processing, agricultural structures, bio-nanotechnology and the environment with a focus on key issues such as environmental sustainability, food security and safety.

The new EIC is expected to work on setting a new strategic vision for the journal, and improve the number and quality of submissions. The EIC is also expected to work in improving workflows, keeping the time from submission to publication low and helping to disseminate the Journal to wide audiences. The EIC will be an ambassador for the journal. The EIC position is for a three-year term and is renewable for an additional three years. The term of appointment is anticipated to start in October 2023. At the time of appointment, the successful applicant must be a member of the Canadian Society for BioEngineering (CSBE).

Candidates should have a strong record of scholarship, a broad base of knowledge in the field, demonstrated leadership skills, editorial and administrative experience, and appropriate volunteering time to devote to the journal. The ability to clearly articulate a compelling vision for the journal will be a key factor on which candidates will be evaluated.

Review of applications by the Search Committee will commence immediately and conclude rapidly following the application deadline.

Interested applicants should submit the following documents no later than February 15, 2024:

1. Cover letter: 

  • Vision for the journal;
  • Reasons for your interest in this position;
  • Brief description of research and current fields of activity;
  • Prior editorial experience (e.g., Editorial Board Member of a journal);
  • Estimate of the amount of time per week that can be devoted to the position;
  • Other personal qualifications and/or comments that may be relevant for the selection committee.

2. Curriculum vitae.

Applications should be submitted electronically to the Society Manager, Sebastien Fournel, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Rédacteur-en-chef – Canadian Biosystems Engineering Journal (CBEJ)

Le Canadian Biosystems Engineering Journal (CBEJ) est à la recherche d'un rédacteur-en-chef (REC). Le CBEJ fournit une plateforme pour la diffusion de recherches nouvelles et à fort impact dans le domaine de l'ingénierie et des sciences biologiques. La revue fait le lien entre l'ingénierie et le monde biologique et couvre un large éventail de domaines, notamment l'énergie, le sol et l'eau, l'énergie et les machines, les bioprocédés, les technologies de l'information, l'électricité, la transformation des aliments, les structures agricoles, les bio-nanotechnologies et l'environnement, en mettant l'accent sur des questions clés telles que la durabilité environnementale et la sécurité alimentaire.

Le nouveau REC devra travailler à l'élaboration d'une nouvelle vision stratégique pour le journal et améliorer le nombre et la qualité des soumissions. Il devra également s'efforcer d'améliorer les communications, de réduire le délai entre la soumission et la publication et de contribuer à la diffusion du journal auprès d'un large public. Le REC sera un ambassadeur du journal. Le poste de REC a une durée de trois ans et est renouvelable pour trois années supplémentaires. Le mandat devrait débuter en octobre 2023. Au moment de sa nomination, le candidat retenu doit être membre de la Société canadienne de génie agroalimentaire et bioingénierie (SCGAB).

Les candidats doivent avoir un solide dossier de recherche, une large base de connaissances dans le domaine, des compétences de leadership avérées, une expérience éditoriale et administrative, et un temps bénévole approprié à consacrer à la revue. La capacité à formuler clairement une vision convaincante pour la revue sera un facteur clé sur lequel les candidats seront évalués.

L'examen des candidatures par le comité de recherche commencera immédiatement et se terminera rapidement après la date limite de dépôt des candidatures.

Les candidats intéressés doivent soumettre les documents suivants au plus tard le 15 février 2024 :

  1. Lettre de présentation :
    • Vision du journal;
    • Raisons de votre intérêt pour ce poste;
    • Brève description de la recherche et des domaines d'activité actuels;
    • Expérience éditoriale antérieure (e.g., membre du comité de rédaction d'une revue);
    • Estimation du temps hebdomadaire que vous pouvez consacrer à ce poste;
    • Autres qualifications personnelles et/ou commentaires susceptibles d'intéresser le comité de sélection.
  2. Curriculum vitae.

Les candidatures doivent être soumises par voie électronique au directeur-général de la société, Sébastien Fournel, à l'adresse suivante : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Canadian Society for Bioengineering (CSBE), or La Société de génie agroalimentaire et de bioingénierie (SCGAB), is proud to announce the nominations of three new Council members: Garson Law from the Canadian Agri-Food Automation & Intelligence Network as Vice-President Industry, Prasad Daggupati from the University of Guelph as Ontario Regional Director, and Shahab Sokhansanj from the University of British Columbia as British Columbia Regional Director. We wish them success in their new roles and want to thank Eric Ouellette and Keith Duhaime for their dedication and years of service to our Society.

The CSBE/SCGAB is looking for motivated members to help us build a dynamic and sustainable organization. If you want to get involved, CSBE/SCGAB has currently two open positions on its Council: Social Media Manager and Editor-in-Chief. The Social Media Manager manages and maintains Society online social media activities, posts and shares bioengineering related content of interest on our social media. If you are interested in one these challenges, please contact the Society Manager, Sébastien Fournel, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Update on the name change process

Danny Mann presented Society name voting results in favor of Canadian Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers at the 2022 AGM. During fall 2022, the Council retained the attorney firm Taylor McCaffrey (Winnipeg, MB) for help in formalizing the name change for both Society and Foundation. Business Client Info Forms and 2022 Annual Returns were filled and sent to Taylor McCaffrey. The name reservation for "The Canadian Society for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering" by Corporations Canada was rejected in April 2023 because the name contains the word "Engineering". Despite it is the same business and model, in order to use this name or another name that includes the word "Engineering", we will require a Consent from Engineers Canada to operate as an engineering company. To do so, we need to obtain consents from each governing regulators (12 at the national level) that we intend to promote our entity. The Society manager then got information from each regulator and contacted them individually. To this date, we have received the consent from 10 provinces/territories. The process is still ongoing with the last two provincial bodies.

Le 29 novembre 2023, le RÉGAAUL (Regroupement des étudiants et étudiantes en génie agroalimentaire de l’Université Laval) a organisé un 5 à 7 professionnel pour présenter les différentes possibilités de carrière des étudiants en génie agroenvironnemental et en génie alimentaire. Plusieurs professionnels, professeurs et étudiants à la maîtrise sont venus présenter leur travail et leur parcours sous forme de courtes présentations de 5 minutes. Le reste de la soirée était dédiée au réseautage et à la discussion sur les perspectives d’emplois, les études supérieures et les stages. L’événement est très apprécié des étudiants et répété chaque année avec des professionnels différents!

L’édition 2023 a accueilli les conférenciers suivants : Lemay Choinière, Laporte Experts Conseils, Hortau, Lallemand, PGA Experts, Kerry Group, Englobe, le professeur Sébastien Fournel (Université Laval et CSBE/SCGAB) et l’étudiant à la maîtrise William Sylvain (ETS).

À l’année prochaine!