Perspectives Newsletter Winter 2022
Vol. 44, no.2 / Posted on March 18, 2022

The Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) is an accredited observer at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), highlighting Canadian experience and expertise in the mitigation of GHG emissions and adapting its infrastructures to withstand the impacts of the changing climate. EIC, through its constituent societies such as CSBE, can facilitate participation of engineering students at the COPs or inter-sessional meetings of the UNFCCC, by nominating delegates to these meetings. EIC can also encourage Canadian engineering students to join the Youth constituency at the UNFCCC and the standing technical committee for youth at the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO). This year’s COP will be held in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, and next year’s will be the United Arab Emirates.

Last year, four students from University of Calgary participated in the COP 26 in Glasgow, through EIC. It would be great for CSBE students to participate in the next COPs, given how important the effects of climate change are to the survival and adaption of the agri-food sector.

At this point, CSBE is seeking a member who can act as a liaison with EIC to facilitate participation in the COP and UNFCCC meetings. It will also involve working with Engineers Canada and the WFEO. If you have a strong interest and passion for engineering solutions to help alleviate the current GHG emissions and climate crisis, and mentoring students on these topics, this is an ideal opportunity for you.

Kindly consider submitting your name to the CSBE President, Ying Chen: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

L'Institut canadien des ingénieurs (ICI) est un observateur accrédité auprès de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC), mettant ainsi en valeur l'expérience et l'expertise canadiennes en matière d'atténuation des émissions de GES et d'adaptation de ses infrastructures aux impacts du changement climatique. ICI, par le biais de ses sociétés constitutives telles que la SCGAB, peut faciliter la participation des étudiants en génie aux COP ou aux réunions intersessions de la CCNUCC, en nommant des délégués à ces réunions. EIC peut également encourager les étudiants canadiens en génie à se joindre à la circonscription des jeunes de la CCNUCC et au comité technique permanent des jeunes de la Fédération mondiale des organisations d'ingénieurs (FMOI). La CdP de cette année se tiendra à Sharm el Sheikh, en Égypte, et celle de l'an prochain aux Émirats arabes unis.

L'année dernière, quatre étudiants de l'Université de Calgary ont participé à la COP 26 à Glasgow, par le biais d'ICI. Ce serait formidable pour les étudiants de la SCGAB de participer aux prochaines COP, étant donné l'importance des effets du changement climatique pour la survie et l'adaptation du secteur agroalimentaire.

À ce stade, la SCGAB est à la recherche d'un membre qui pourrait agir en tant que liaison avec EIC pour faciliter la participation aux COP et aux réunions de l'UNFCCC. Il s'agira également de travailler avec Ingénieurs Canada et la FMOI. Si vous avez un intérêt marqué et une passion pour les solutions d'ingénierie permettant d'atténuer les émissions de GES et la crise climatique actuelles, et pour le mentorat des étudiants sur ces sujets, cette opportunité est idéale pour vous.

Veuillez envisager de soumettre votre nom à la présidente de la SCGAB, Ying Chen : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Traduit avec (version gratuite)

Dear members,

We are pleased to post the recordings from the Winter 2022 Webinar series. You can view or review each presentation directly on our website in the Events/Webinars section. Enjoy!

January 14 - Recording

  • Commercial collection and long distance transport of herbaceous biomass. Shahab Sokhansanj, University of British Columbia
  • Evaluation of Efficacy of Alternative Disinfection Measures on Various Surfaces in a Pig Production Barn. Marjorette H. Baguindoc, University of Saskatchewan

January 28 - Recording

  • Industry speaker: Synthetic Biology and Engineering, An Overview. Michael Dorrington, Ontario Genomics

February 11 - Recording

  • Influence of flow microbial fuel cell on methane emission from hydroponic cultivation of rice plant. Shuyao Wang, McGill University
  • Microbial uptake of C and N from root exudates in the ryegrass rhizosphere, Aidan De Sena, McGill University

February 25 - Recording

  • Industry speaker: The Smart Farming Network. Dr. Joy Agnew, Olds College

March 11 - Recording

  • Discrete element modelling of ground pressure under varying number of tire passes. Kobby Acquah, University of Manitoba
  • Coupled CFD-DEM Simulations of Seed Flow Applied to Air Seeder. Leno Guzman, University of Manitoba

March 25 - Recording

  • Industry speaker: Challenges in Precision Farming. Dr. Mina Enyat, University of Manitoba

April 8 - Recording

  • Physicochemical and Ultrastructural Characterization of Fungal Treated Switchgrass. Onu Onu Olughu, University of Saskatchewan
  • Assessing the Effect of Treatments on Linseed Flax Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Gravimetric Analyses. Tasneem Vahora, University of Manitoba

ying chen

Greetings fellow CSBE members and friends,

We are at the beginning of a long-awaited spring, with great hopes and expectations that the immense pressures caused by the Covid 19 virus will eventually dissipate Globally. As we approach this new normal, we will need to continually do our part to contribute to a healthy future. 

pei harvesting

Canadian Society for Bioengineering
2022 Annual General Meeting
July 24-27, 2022 | Charlottetown, PEI

Dear Colleagues and Guests,

The local organizing committee is proud to announce that the organization of the annual meeting is on track to welcome you this summer in beautiful Prince Edward Island.

Our program is shaping up to be a bountiful one, with some great guest speakers

  • Professor David J. Mulla; Director of the Precision Agriculture Center, University of Minnesota, USA
  • Professor Arnold W. Schumann; Soil & Water Science, University of Florida, USA.

You will also have the opportunity to visit:

  • UPEI Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation
  • UPEI campus tour: Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering

The program committee is currently working on organizing a student competition. Stay tuned for more details!

To date, we have received several conference abstracts under the theme "Agricultural Sustainability and Food Security through Precision Agriculture Technologies". Thank you to the contributors! In order to enhance the technical program, we are extending the call for abstracts until March 31, 2022.

Submit your abstract before March 31

Online registration will open on June 1, but you can already consult the rates and accommodation offers to plan your trip.

Important Dates:

Abstract Due Date: March 15, 2022 March 31, 2022
Notice of Acceptance: April 15, 2022
Paper Submission: May 15, 2022
Online Registration Opens: June 1, 2022

We look forward to seeing you in Charlottetown!

- The Local Organizing Committee

The Canadian Society for Bioengineering would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support to organize 2022 Annual International Conference in Charlottetown PEI!

pei  cavendish  airspore

See all sponsors

The students chapter of CSBE-Saskatchewan will be hosting a networking event bringing experts from industry-Government-academia on ‘Bioengineering for tomorrow’ theme, this Spring/Summer.

This will be an in-person (hybrid) event.

This event is also targeted to attract new members from various disciplines in Engineering, Technology, Science and allied areas.

Nicholas Lefebvre

nicholas lefebvreDepuis le 3 janvier dernier, Nicholas Lefebvre est professeur au Département des sols et de génie agroalimentaire. Diplômé de la FSAA, il a obtenu son baccalauréat en génie agroenvironnemental en 2013, sa maitrise en génie agroalimentaire en 2016 et son doctorat en sols et environnement 2021. Il a également travaillé comme professionnel de recherche en conservation et restauration des sols organiques cultivés de 2019 à 2021. Son expertise porte sur les domaines de la machinerie, de l'instrumentation, du contrôle et l'acquisition de données. Il est responsable des cours de projet d'ingénierie 1 et 2, concepts de génie agroenvironnemental et co-responsable du cours d'agriculture de précision SLS-2303.

5@7 professionnel – Université Laval

C’est le 24 novembre 2021 au Pub Universitaire que s’est tenu le « 5@7 professionnel » organisé par le Regroupement des étudiantes et des étudiants en génie agroalimentaire de l’Université Laval (RÉGAAUL). La soirée s’est déroulée en deux temps. Premièrement, des ingénieurs issus de différents domaines génie agroalimentaire présentaient leur carrière et leur parcours et vulgarisaient leur travail quotidien. Plus de 25 étudiants et étudiantes ont pu assister à ces conférences. Deuxièmement, à la suite des présentations et du souper, les étudiants et étudiantes ont pu réseauter avec les professionnels. Ce fut l’occasion pour les étudiants et les étudiantes d’en apprendre davantage sur différents aspects de leur futur travail en discutant avec des professionnels bien établis en entreprise.

Au cours de la soirée, c’est cinq conférences qui ont eu lieu. D’abord, le professeur et ingénieur Sébastien Fournel du département des sols et de génie agroalimentaire a offert une conférence concernant les études graduées à la maîtrise, son travail de professeur et de chercheur en plus de présenter la Société Canadienne de Génie Agroalimentaire et de Bioingénierie. Ensuite, Francis Paul Gélinas, ingénieur agronome, des Consultants Mario Cossette Inc. a vulgarisé une partie de son travail en environnement et en stabilisation de berges par rapport au génie agroenvironnemental. Comme troisième conférence, Réjean Pouliot, ingénieur, et Olivier Lamontagne, CPI, de PGA Experts Inc. ont présenté leur travail en génie conseil et en ingénierie des procédés agroalimentaire. Par la suite, Raphaël Soucy-Gauthier, ingénieur, de Groupe Anderson a communiqué avec les étudiants et étudiants son travail de gestionnaire de projet de recherche et développement en machinerie agricole. Finalement, Étienne Carrier des Consultants Lemay & Choinière Inc. a présenté son travail d’ingénieur en génie conseil et en environnement des bâtiments agricoles.

Le RÉGAAUL tient à remercier les professionnels conférenciers pour leur magnifique présence !

Nouveaux chargé de projet et brevet à l’IRDA

Patrick Brassard (membre de la CSBE) est depuis peu chargé de projet à l’IRDA et il a récemment breveté en collaboration avec Stéphane Godbout (membre de la CSBE) et Luc Roy une technologie de traitement des lisiers (Titre : Process for treating livestock waste to produce fertilizers). Ce procédé aérobie simple et robuste permet de réduire la charge pathogène, les odeurs et amène une sédimentation rapide des solides. Cette technologie verte, une fois implantée, permet une réduction importante des gaz à effet de serre en production porcine.

Patrick Brassard (CSBE member), now project manager at IRDA, patent a new manure treatment technology in collaboration with Stephane Godbout (CSBE member) and Luc Roy (title: Process for treating livestock waste to produce fertilizers). This robust and low-tech treatment allow an important pathogen and odour reduction and improve the sedimentation. This green technology can reduce the global greenhouse gas emissions from pig production.

For the 2022 webinar series, we are hosting a mix student and industry presentations.  The webinars will be hosted every second week at noon, eastern time (Toronto/Montreal). Students will be allotted a total of 30 minutes with presentations up to 20 minutes in length and with the balance of available for questions and answers.  Industry presenters are be allotted the full hour with up to 40 minutes for their presentations along with 20 minutes for questions and answers. We look forward to everyone’s presentations and to our members attending and participating.

Upcoming Webinars:

March 25
Industry speaker: Challenges in Precision Farming. Dr. Mina Enyat, University of Manitoba

April 8
Physicochemical and Ultrastructural Characterization of Fungal Treated Switchgrass. Onu Onu Olughu, University of Saskatchewan
Assessing the Effect of Treatments on Linseed Flax Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Gravimetric Analyses. Tasneem Vahora, University of Manitoba

The webinar link is sent by email to CSBE members prior the event. For more information, contact Keith Duhaime at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., CSBE-SCGAB Webinar Coordinator.

Annamalai Manickavasagan, PhD, P.Eng.


Manick obtained his Doctorate in Biosystems Engineering from the University of Manitoba, Canada. At present, he is an Associate Professor at the University of Guelph, Canada. His current research interests are: food quality assessment using computer vision techniques, plant protein foods, pulse processing, whole grain processing, and product development. He has published 75 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and edited 9 books. He is a recipient of several research awards including, “Research Excellence Award” – University of Guelph (2021-2022), “John Clark Food Engineering Award” – Canadian Society for BioEngineering (2020), “Distinguished Researcher Award” – Sultan Qaboos University (2014), and “Best Young Researcher Award” – Sultan Qaboos University (2012).

He is the Founder and President of Whole Grains Research Foundation in India. Through this foundation, he is promoting the whole grains research in Asia region.


Sébastien Fournel

sebastien fournel

I am an assistant professor in agricultural engineering with research interests in design and environmental control of animal buildings, precision livestock farming, manure management, animal welfare, greenhouse gas mitigation, energy efficiency, and conversion of agri-food biomass. I am also devoted to promote teaching innovation through the Chair in Educational Leadership on Sustainable agricultural buildings that I lead. I love playing sports like hockey, baseball, volleyball, and tennis. With my wife and kids, I also do a lot of biking and hiking. As Québec’s Director, I wish to develop and maintain a regional committee that will be in charge of organizing on a recurrent basis a provincial Agri-Food Engineering Symposium.

Je suis professeur adjoint en génie agroenvironnemental. Mes intérêts de recherche portent sur la conception et le contrôle environnemental des bâtiments agricoles, l’élevage de précision, la gestion des fumiers, le bien-être animal, la réduction des gaz à effet de serre, l’efficacité énergétique et la valorisation des résidus agroalimentaires. Je suis aussi impliqué en innovation pédagogique grâce aux travaux de la Chaire de leadership en enseignement des bâtiments agricoles durables que je mène. J’adore pratiquer des sports comme le hockey, le baseball, le volleyball et le tennis. En famille, nous faisons également beaucoup de randonnées pédestres ou à vélo. En tant que directeur régional pour le Québec, je souhaite mettre en place un comité pérenne qui sera en charge d’organiser de façon récurrente un symposium en génie agroalimentaire.

Venkatesh Meda

venkatesh meda 2021

Dr. Meda started at the Department of Agricultural and Bioresource (currently, Chemical and Biological Engineering) Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan in August 2002. Prior to this position, Dr. Meda worked as a Project Development Officer, Office of Vice-President (research and International), McGill University during 2000-2002. He has extensively participated in discussion(s) /seminars conducted by CIDA, World Bank, ADB on poverty reduction, food safety and security, rural development and International agriculture topics. Dr. Meda has a well established research program on utilising electrotechnologies (microwaves, radio frequency, infrared, UV energy spectrum) for treating and processing agricultural, food, feed and biological materials in Western Canada. His expertise in drying and extraction technologies is highly recognised.

The areas of research in which Dr. Meda works and maintains momentum include bioprocess engineering, value-added food process engineering and post-harvest technologies (storage, drying, distribution) for agricultural high and low moisture commodities. He had completed several research projects under the Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Network (ABIP) grants connecting the researchers across the Provinces in Canada, AAFC (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), and Industry partners in bioenergy, biofuels and bioproducts. For the past few years, Dr. Meda has been leading the projects dealing with utilisation of electromagnetic energy for sensing, heating/drying of agricultural and food/feed materials for downstream processing in the value-chain; fruit dehydration; water decontamination method development using ‘hybrid’ of microwave plus UV energy, cereal grain modification for resistant starch studies for health benefits, co-product utilisation in bio refineries network in Western Canada, and biological materials handling and characterisation. He has been awarded CSBE-SCGAB’s John Clark and Fellow Awards (2013, 2019) for his outstanding contribution in the field of food process engineering and currently re-elected to serve as a regional director of SK.

Dr. Meda’s enthusiasm continues to thrive on integrating approaches to food systems research and development activities ultimately addressing the global food security challenges.

Why interested?

I am interested in serving as a Councilor (SK regional director) for accelerating the momentum around technical events and disciplinary promotion in Canada. I would like to renew the academic and research clusters for an integrated opportunity and creation of cross-sectoral linkages (conference, journal themes, workshops, student chapter, webinars, etc.).